98% of Employees Worldwide Support Remote Work, Research Shows

What Happened: To ensure data security, remote workers should use separate devices for work and personal tasks and stick to company-approved platforms for work communications.

What you need to know: Remote work has become common for many professionals, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a Kaspersky report. Statistics from Buffer show that 98% of employees support at least partial remote work. However, handling sensitive information remotely poses risks, as employees, from designers to accountants, work outside the controlled environment of an office.

What more: To address these security concerns, Kaspersky experts have provided cybersecurity guidelines for remote workers. One crucial tip is to keep work and personal devices separate. Although many people use their own devices for work, it is safer to use a dedicated work laptop for job-related tasks and reserve personal devices for activities like watching movies or checking personal emails.

To further protect personal devices, it is recommended to use a reliable security solution to avoid malware and malicious sites. Additionally, using company-approved platforms for work-related communication, rather than personal messaging apps or email accounts, helps safeguard sensitive information.

Also: By following these guidelines, remote workers can enhance their data security and work comfortably from home.

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