Sleeping for an extra hour can really help lose weight, reveals a study

What happened: Researchers from the University of Chicago claimed that sleeping for an extra 1.2 hours can help reduce an individual’s weight. Sky News quotes the research as  “Sleeping for an extra hour each night can help people save around 270 calories off their daily diet – the equivalent of three chocolate biscuits.”  The Jama Internal Medicine journal revealed that young overweight adults who habitually sleep less than 6.5 hours a night added 1.2 hours to their sleep schedule and eventually lost a few pounds. 

Details: Journal’s author Dr. Esra Tasali, “If healthy sleeping habits are maintained over a longer duration, this would to clinically important weight loss over time.” Dr. Esra Tasali’s study also claimed that individuals who cut on mobile phone and laptop usages could better get their sleep pattern and sleep schedule. 

More: At the same time, the journal concluded that if an extra hours’ sleep is added, individuals’ can lose up to twelve kilograms without even changing their diet. Whereas, it is pertinent to mention that previous studies have revealed that sleeping less and sleeping less than 6.5 hours can lead to weight gain in individuals.

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