What happened: Earlier in the past week, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, in her address, said that the United Opposition March is scheduled to reach Islamabad ahead of the no-confidence motion and “Imran Khan’s government needs to go, as they were not elected democratically.” At the same time, in their media briefings, the Opposition leaders had noted that they have the majority and no-confidence motion when tabled would be in their favour. PTI’s showdown in Islamabad : Imran Khan had earlier announced for a rally in the capital and termed the gathering a “Battle for Pakistan.” The venue for Imran Khan’s address is Parade ground in Islamabad and the expected crowd is in millions as claimed by the premier. Subsequently, Imran Khan and his party workers have said, “Khan will not go anywhere, and the opposition’s efforts against the premier will prove futile.” PTI’s lawmaker from Sindh, Ali Haider Zaidi, also remarked in a tweet that has received backlash, “Family of missing persons back on streets again,” as he shared a tweet with Maryam Nawaz holding Nawaz Sharif’s picture. More: On the other hand, Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed had announced that at the time of Imran Khan’s speech, extra security will be deployed in the capital and, “At least 6000 Rangers, FC, and other security personnel would be deployed.”