Biden Demands Accountability from Israel for Activist’s Death

What Happened: President Biden urged Israel to ensure accountability for the killing of activist Aysenur Eygi by its forces and called for measures to prevent such incidents.

What you need to know: On Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden demanded that Israel ensure “full accountability” for the death of Aysenur Eygi, a U.S.-Turkish activist killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank. Biden called for Israel to take more action to prevent such incidents in the future.

What more: Eygi, 26, was fatally shot while attending a weekly protest against Israeli settlements, which are deemed illegal under international law but are supported by some members of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. The Israeli military acknowledged that Eygi was likely killed by their fire, describing it as a tragic error during a response to what they termed a “violent riot.”

Also: Biden expressed outrage and sadness over Eygi’s death, labeling the shooting as “totally unacceptable.” He noted that while Israel had accepted responsibility, the family of Eygi criticized the military’s investigation, calling it “wholly inadequate” and claiming she was killed while seeking shelter in an olive grove.

Additionally: Biden had previously suggested the killing seemed accidental, but he reiterated his commitment to holding all extremists accountable, whether Israeli settlers or Palestinian militants, and emphasized the need for policies that address violence and work towards peace.

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