Chinese Retailer Introduces ‘Unhappy Leave’ for Employee Well-Being

What Happened: Chinese businessman Yu Donglai introduced “unhappy leave,” allowing employees up to 10 days off for emotional well-being to promote work-life balance.

What you need to know: Chinese retail businessman Yu Donglai, founder and chairman of the Pang Dong Lai chain in Henan province, has introduced “unhappy leave” to promote better work-life balance for his employees. As reported by the South China Morning Post, employees can now take up to 10 additional days off whenever they feel unhappy, with the leave being non-negotiable by management.

What more: Yu emphasized the importance of giving employees freedom and flexibility, stating that everyone experiences moments when they don’t feel happy, and they shouldn’t be required to work during those times. He aims for his staff to independently manage their rest and enjoy ample relaxation outside of work.

Also: This initiative has generated positive responses on social media, where many have praised Yu as a “good boss” and expressed support for extending such leave policies nationwide. Some even expressed interest in joining Yu’s company to improve their work-life balance.

Additionally: Workplace anxiety surveys in China show that over 65 percent of workers feel tired or unhappy due to low wages, complex work relationships, and the glorification of overtime. Yu has been critical of this overtime culture, calling it “unethical” in a speech last year.

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