How It Happened: 24 year old Zoya Ayaz was crossing a pedestrian bridge when she came across a young man shamelessly masturbating out in the open.
Where It Happened: Abu Bakr Block, New Garden Town, Lahore.
When It Happened: 25th September, 2019
Upon seeing him, Zoya instantly noticed something strange about the man’s body language. She had intended to pass by him as quickly as possible without making eye contact, however that changed when he stepped right in front of her. The man exposed himself in public, a crime according to the Pakistani penal code. To maintain evidence, Zoya recorded the incident. As Zoya walked away from him, moved to cover his face with his shirt and arm, before advancing on her.
Zoya’s story went viral on social media after she uploaded the video on twitter
“I was coming back from my institute and going back home in the afternoon around 02.30 pm. I use that bridge to cross the road on daily basis. I was wearing a decent dress, not jeans and a top,” said Zoya to a private news source.
After posting the video on Twitter, many people come forth in support
He also attacked you, are you safe, really sorry that you had to go through this. I hope police can find this guy and put behind bars.
— Malik Omaid (@Omaidus) September 25, 2019
Be safe! You were v. brave. Always carry a “pepper spray”. I know he turned back suddenly, but anticipate anything in a situation where the ‘culprit’ is being filmed.
Should’ve Kicked him too!— Faeza Dawood (@FaezaDawood) September 26, 2019
Oddly enough, there were still those who seemed to be concerned about the harasser’s public image/defamation.
u shouldnt share his video at public forum…there was no need,,,rather u should try to advise him that not to involve in such shit. in future he may find positive way but this video may ruin him.
— Aamir lodhi (@whatimpossible) September 25, 2019
While the notion of pulling something like this – that too in public – is horrific, it is hardly surprising anymore; we have seen similar cases far too many times before, from careem captains and motorcyclists to bus passengers and now this.