What happened: Ali Amin Khan Gandapur, the Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, has made highly problematic violent remarks against Maryam Nawaz at a public rally in Azad Jammu and Kashmir’s (AJK) Tarar Khal area. Details: Gandapur was criticising the PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz when he turned his criticism more personal and violent. He stated passionately to the rally that he would like to show her real face to the public by removing her cosmetic surgery. Gandapur also threatened Maryam Nawaz with slaps while the crowd cheered. Gandapur has made sexist and misogynistic remarks even before on multiple occasions without any real accountability from the political party. Yesterday’s violent remarks come at a highly sensitive time when Pakistani women have been dealing with back-to-back cases of extreme violence against them over the last few days. Gandapur’s remarks are a clear proof of the deep-rooted gender insensitivity in the mindsets of the masses. These kind of remarks, especially by political figures only reinforce narratives that are dangerous and even fatal for the women in our society. Unless the language used by us and our political heads reflects positive attitude towards women, we will continue to see new hashtags requesting justice for an abused woman every day.
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