High Intelligence Linked to Lower Physical Activity, Study Finds

What Happened: Recent research suggests that high intelligence may be linked to lower physical activity, as intelligent individuals often engage more in mental tasks, though maintaining some exercise is still important.

What you need to know: Recent research indicates a possible connection between laziness and high intelligence. Studies, including one from Florida Gulf Coast University, suggest that people with higher IQs often engage in less physical activity because they are more absorbed in thought-provoking tasks. This is attributed to their lower susceptibility to boredom, which leads them to spend more time reflecting rather than pursuing physical activities.

What more: Researchers have noted that while intellectual engagement can lead to reduced physical activity, excessive inactivity may have negative effects. It is important for highly intelligent individuals to remain mindful of the need to incorporate some level of physical exercise into their routines. Balancing intellectual pursuits with physical activity is crucial to maintaining overall well-being.

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