Imported Tomatoes Save The Day

After more than a month’s wait, the government has decided to import tomatoes from Iran to combat the skyrocketing prices in the market Tomato supplies were disrupted in early October owing to ill-timed government policies and bad weather, and every kitchen in the country has been impacted after tomato prices shot up. The average maximum price of tomatoes in Pakistan was Rs 180 per kg but currently it’s being sold at Rs 300 in many parts of the country. Now, with situation slipping through the government’s hands, the Ministry of National Food Security is meeting importers today in Islamabad to devise ways of increasing imports of tomatoes from neighbouring countries.

“ We will consider allowing import of tomatoes from Iran ,” MNFS Federal Secretary told a private news source. According to estimates, new crops of tomatoes and onions will reach the market in the next two or three weeks from Sindh and in the meantime imports from Iran should help fill the gap to some extent. The Ministry of Commerce has also introduced non-tariff measures pertaining to quality standards on almost all vegetables in aims to reduce the import bill of the country. Read more from ProperGaanda: Video of Imran Khan Supposedly Fatshaming Firdous Awan Surfaces

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