Invisible Space Bubbles Detected Over Great Pyramids by Chinese Researchers

What Happened: Chinese researchers detected large invisible space bubbles over the Great Pyramids, identifying them as a space weather phenomenon that could disrupt satellite launches.

What you need know: Chinese researchers have detected invisible space bubbles, also known as “equatorial plasma bubbles” (EPBs), over the Great Pyramids of Giza using high-tech radar from Hainan. These space bubbles, large pockets of superheated gas, are found in low-altitude regions near the equator, such as Egypt.

What more: The discovery, reported by the New York Post, has provided scientists with valuable data to help prevent interruptions to satellite launches caused by this phenomenon.

Also: The Chinese Academy of Sciences emphasized that EPBs, which form due to a loss of charged particles in the ionosphere, should be monitored as a space weather event. The researchers published their findings last month after studying bubbles up to 9,500 km wide

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