The number of dengue cases in Pakistan have gone higher than previous records, despite assurances of improved dengue treatment and preventive measures by officials More than 30,000 people have caught the virus this year and at least 47 people have died, with most cases reported from Islamabad (more than 8000, with 17 deaths) and the least from Balochistan (around 2700, with 3 deaths). However, Chief of Disease Surveillance Division, Dr. Rana Safdar, told a private news source that the increased number of cases being reported was because of better surveillance and monitoring of the virus, allowing more of them to be reported.
“This time round there is unprecedented response in the history [of the country] to any outbreak. For the first time, the Emergency Operation Centre has been activated at the National Institute of Health for dengue outbreak,” he said.
Dr. Safdar spoke a little about both the local and global impact of dengue as well, mentioning that the virus is one of the top ten public health threats to the world, and that the highest number of cases reported came from the Philippines at around 322,000 cases.
“Our statistics are much better compared to other countries but our task is not over. Based on our recent experience, we will develop a comprehensive multi-sectoral national action plan coordinating with provinces to defeat dengue in the next few years,” Dr Safdar added.
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