What happened: Residents of Model Town came out on a peaceful protest to stop the illegal commercialization of a residential area.

Background: On Saturday, June 19, residents of Model town came out in a car rally, to protest over the agenda of residential plots being taken and used for commercial purposes. The basis of the protest was made after a residential building was advertised as Jalalsons. The organizers have told that the owner of the building took a legal undertaking from court back in 2014 for the plot to be used for residence which was now taken over by Jalalsons for commercial activity.

According to the organizers, the purpose was not only to stop the commercial usage of the building but was also having the motive to draw attention towards a grave issue regarding several residential spots in Model Town being used for commercial purposes. They not only have been used by businessmen but also have been used by several political parties. They also claim that PMLN has opened their business offices and party offices in a residential building and are also the violators of law who have set a negative precedent. The protestors appeal for justice as they want their residential community to be protected from commercial usage and demand that the commercial practices must be contained within commercial zones that are provided. Click here to see more on ProperGaanda.