Rising Violence Against Women in Punjab Urgent Need for Action

A civil society organization has reported a significant rise in violence against women in Punjab in 2023, with Lahore and Faisalabad being the hardest-hit areas. The Sustainable Social Development Organization revealed that 10,201 cases of violence against women were registered under sections 354 (assault) and 509 (insulting a woman’s modesty) of the PPC, marking a 14.5% increase from 2022.

On average, 28 women faced violence daily in Punjab. There were also 6,624 reported rape cases, meaning one woman was raped every 45 minutes. Other crimes included kidnappings (626), honor killings (120), and trafficking (20). Pakistan ranks 142 out of 146 in the 2023 Global Gender Gap Index, highlighting poor conditions for women in terms of economic participation, where only 5% of senior roles are held by women.

The Gender Social Norms Index reveals that 99.89% of Pakistanis hold at least one gender bias against women. Workplace harassment is widespread, with nearly all women in Pakistan experiencing it. Despite existing laws, perpetrators often face no meaningful consequences due to institutional failures, with only 4% of gender-based violence cases resulting in convictions.

A series of violent incidents in Punjab, including the gang rape of a woman near Lahore, has drawn attention to the urgent need for better support for victims, more sensitive law enforcement, and swifter legal actions to ensure accountability and end impunity for these crimes

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