A woman from Mian Channu, Khanewal was allegedly struck with axes by her husband and brother-in-law for refusing to make tea According to the FIR lodged by the assaulted on Monday at Mian Channu’s Sadar police station, the victim purported that she had been at her residence the day before when her brother-in-law and his son came wielding axes, accusing her of refusing to make them tea. She recounted that her brother-in-law hit her with an axe on the right side of her nose and the son struck her hand with another axe. Then, her brother-in-law dragged her by the hair and rather than saving her, the woman’s husband also began to hit her. Neighbours present outside then rushed in upon hearing all the commotion, said the FIR.
The woman is now in the hospital receiving treatment for her severe injuries. The case has been registered under Section 354 of Pakistan’s Penal Code, and so far the woman’s husband and nephew have been searched and are now under arrest. DPO Umar Saeed also added that teams had been formed for the arrest of the third suspect, the woman’s brother in law, and he is also to be arrested soon. Read more from ProperGaanda: Man Receives 8 Year Sentence For Assaulting and Defaming Ex-Fiance