Actress Uzma Khan releases official statement in response to viral video

The  Jawani Phir Nahi Aani  actress Uzma Khan took to social media to share how she has beenharassed and threatened in the past few days. Her statement is in response to a  video that has been doing rounds on social media for the past two days. The short clip showed the actor and her sister being accused by a woman of allegedly having an intimate relationship with a person by the name of Usman. In her statement Uzma writes, “I have been shamed, blackmailed, harassed, been threatened to kill in the past three days. I feel I have nothing to lose now and I have decided to fight the strongest people of Pakistan For me, it is either I get justice or I will be killed but there is no turning back now. I am an orphan so you can’t kill my parents. The maximum you can do is kill me. Since you’ve shamed me in front of the whole world anyway. Since I’m a woman and obviously the vulnerable and easy target, carry on but now I will fight till my last drop of blood. I request Punjab police to register my FIR and conduct my and my sister’s Medical examination (my basic right) before our wounds start to heal. I hope I am as much Pakistani as Malik Riaz.”

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