Afghan Taliban spokesperson talks about Pakistan, peace talks, Daesh and more in a TCM exclusive interview

Peace talks

In an interview with a local news agency, TCM, Afghan Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid when asked about the role of foreign countries and their interference in the Afghan peace negotiations mentioned that, “no country can interfere in peace talks, however, if any country wants to help they can, including Pakistan. Qatar has offered to host the peace talks and has facilitated them as well.”

Pakistani Taliban

“Pakistani Taliban and other groups based in Pakistan are citizens of Pakistan, we hope that conflicts can be resolved from negotiations and not violence”

Kabul conflict

Mujahid also expressed the Taliban’s obscurity and lack of confidence towards the Kabul government and their disapproval of them as a state authority due to the war against them. He mentioned of Taliban’s wishes for the US imperialism to end from Afghanistan so the people of Afghanistan can reach an agreement and establish a true Islamic form of government.

On Daesh

The spokesperson mentioned that Daesh does ‘not have an active presence as they live in big cities due to the Kabul government’s facilitation of safe heavens for them.’ ‘After the clash at Nangarhar, Daesh was given refugee at intelligence protected safe houses,’ alleged Zabihullah Mujahid.

On Israel

He mentioned the Taliban’s dissent towards Israel and said that ‘we would never recognize Israel, as its an apartheid state oppressing Palestinians’

On an Islamic state

“All Afghanis are Muslims and want an Islamic government, the Ulm-e-Shura will come be drawn after nominating the correct individuals” He continued, “Modernization is essential but is only relevant to technology and other aspects, Islam is a religion and hence does not require any modernization; however we will conform to global standards of education and economy.”

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