Doctor from Britain recounts his experience working with Covid-19 patients

Note: We’ve changed the name of the doctor for the sake of anonymity. 

Dr. Anonymous told ProperGaanda about his first-hand experience at treating covid-19 patients as a staff member at National Health Service in UK.

He writes,

Being on front line of NHS (National Health Service) staff. Using all PPE’s (Personal Protective Equipment) I dealt with confirmed and suspected covid-19 patients. I am now in self isolation. He further goes on to explain what are the symptoms of a silent carrier that he himself faced.

Day 1: Warm to touch, no cough, no fever, mild fatigue. Day 3: woke up with mild rhinorrhea and sore throat which settled over the day. Day 4: Sudden loss of sense of smell and taste. Day 5: Diarrhea He further emphasises,”These symptoms are suggestive that you may be a silent career of the virus. Given you don’t have fever or cough. Still you can be a career of the virus. STAY HOME, KEEP YOURSELF AND OTHERS SAFE!!” Number of cases in Britain When this article was written, the number of cases in UK stood at 5,683 with 281 deaths. However, please note that these are government figures on numbers of confirmed cases – some people who report symptoms are not being tested, and are not included in these counts. To read more about the spread of covid-19 in Britain, consult this report.

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