When it comes to watches for men, there are numerous options available to suit different styles, preferences, and budgets. Watches are important since they complete your overall look and let’s be honest, with such busy lives, we need to keep track of our time. Here are 7 local businesses selling affordable watches for men
- Sveston
Sveston has decades of experience in watch-making and logistics to bring luxurious timepieces at your reach.
Price: Starting from PKR 4699 2. Twentty47 These guys specialize in unique and stylish watch designs that are sure to make a statement.
Price: Starting from PKR 3500 3. Eclipse Their watches are made with premium quality material and leather/chain strands that will surely remain as good as new.
Price: Starting from PKR 2399 4. Delawrence Delawrence has set out to bring more affordable options to the luxury Japanese watches, like the ones we see in films and TV.
Price: Starting from PKR 2309 5. Timelight TIMELIGHT is an online watch company that is dedicated to providing high-quality replica watches at affordable prices.
Price: Starting from PKR 2500 6. Niovani Their brands include Niovani, Naviforce, Curren, & Shengke watches that all come with our own 1-2 Year Warranty on the Movement. These include watches for men and watches for ladies as well.
Price: Starting from PKR 5000 7. Dials.pk Dials.pk have wide range of leather strap watches , Chain watches , G shock watches , male sports watches and many more.
Price: Starting from PKR 1599 So stop wasting any time, get your hands on a classy watch and complete your style.