How is Bhang different from smoking up and edibles

Bhang is a word almost synonymous to Holi, an annual festival celebrated in India. But the drink isn’t exclusive to our eastern neighbours, many enjoy bhang on this side of the border as well.

What is bhang? While most millennials who indulge prefer smoking up and edibles, bhang has a longstanding history in the subcontinent. The cannabis mixture is most commonly consumed as thandai or bhang lassi. The tenacious plant is known to grow on the outskirts of Islamabad along with other locations. How is bhang different? Both smoking and cooking involve heating cannabis, which is what activates and releases the THC and other cannabinoids, which in turn connect with the endocannabinoid system, resulting in what is called a ‘high’. Bhang, on the other hand, has no heating or cooking involved. And yet, it manages to kickstart a pretty potent reaction of chemicals inside the body. Bhang enters the system and begins to work a lot more subtly than smoking or edibles, slowly spreading to different parts of the endocannabinoid system. Each individual’s physical and mental personalities determine which receptors in what parts of the body get activated, and set the tone for the rest of the trip. The trick with bhang, like any other edible, is dosage – but because it is made from local bush weed and primarily from the leaves, it’s not as easy to gauge when it’s going to be one glass too many unlike edibles which are easier to guage in grams. *ProperGaanda in no way endorses the illegal usage of bhang or other narcotics. The content above is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only, and is not meant to propagate the use of any illegal substance. Also read: Coronavirus: A nightmare for world’s economy

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