Katy Perry, one of the most popular pop artists in the world and current goodwill ambassador for United Nations children’s organisation UNICEF, will be made the Ambassador for the Asian Charity on Tuesday by Prince Charles.
Katy Perry has over 108 million followers on Twitter and 89 million followers on Instagram. Katy Perry has been an advocate of peace since the early stages of her career, from being a struggling pop artist to becoming the biggest that ever existed. Katy met the British heir-to-throne at a meeting of the Trust’s supporters and advisers in Mumbai last November while he was on a visit to India, thoroughly impressed, she gave a statement saying: “I was impressed by their strong plan – from on-ground initiatives to fundraising – that will aim to cut child trafficking in half,” she further stated, “That is why I am especially honoured to be named an ambassador for the British Asian Trust’s Children’s Protection Fund, and to help shine my light on the work that the British Asian Trust will be doing in South Asia, and to be a part of finding solutions to child-trafficking.” Katy’s appointment will be announced at the Trust’s Annual Dinner that will be focused on child labour and child trafficking across the globe. Read more from ProperGaanda: The future of Zindagi Tamasha remains unclear as the meeting to lift ban on it gets postponed