We’re facing quite a conundrum here: this is not simply a matter of hypocrisy, we’re looking at an accusation of hypocrisy (amongst other alleged misdeeds) against Nouman Ali Khan. These allegations have been made by the very people who have quite recently and quite zealously- and even in other languages- rushed to Mahira Khan’s defence for the smoking incident in NY using hypocrisy (amongst other verbal bullets) as a basis for their arguments.
Judging Mahira Khan makes you a bonafide hypocrite!
We’re speaking of how, when the menfolk got all growly on Twitter about Mahira Khan’s state of undress and The Notorious Cigarette, women reminded them of their nightly ‘art film’ watching sessions and asked them to please sit the hell back down. *Insert hashtag hypocrisy here* However, we observed a very different phenomenon when the allegations of “inappropriate interactions with women” emerged regarding Islamic scholar Nouman Ali Khan.
Well, it is true. He didn’t. *Immediately takes cover*
Oh don’t worry, there was just as much drama: bombs dropped; buildings collapsed; cannibalism became a serious concern; there was even talk of postponing the making of Game of Thrones’ final season until 2025- to give everyone time to deal with the crippling reality of Nouman Ali Khan exercising his basic right as an individual of civilized society and a contributing member of the international community to, let’s assume, pursue the possibility of acquiring a spouse after being divorced for two years. Now let’s take a minute to think about this. When a forum takes a certain stand against a certain something, one would expect that when a similar situation comes up it would respond in the same way. Right? Wrong . Obviously. Who does that anymore? You have to be unpredictable and contradict your own statements. It’s way more cooler. The fact is that were it not for the successive nature of these two events, a comparison would not have even been drawn between the incident involving Mahira Khan and Nouman Ali Khan’s situation. Frankly, we never thought we’d see the day when an Islamic preacher and a gorgeous, amoral actress would both be talked about in the same breath. Yes, we’re referring to Mahira Khan as amoral now (because of The Notorious Cigarette/Super soota). We have joined the game, people. It’s easy, but it’s a rapid fire round. You not only need to discount all previously observed likeable traits and admirable acts committed by the person put in front of you in order to formulate a sufficiently bizarre new assumption, BUT you also need to come up with some snippy critical stinger to make the unlucky sod who we do not feel sorry for at all cry himself to sleep at night, thinking his life’s work was all for nothing.
Thank you for raising such a valid point, but can we just look at the brilliant subtlety with which this person fulfilled the aforementioned quota of a stinger? Hell, even I’m crying now. Nouman Ali Khan, the truth does not matter. No one cares about your side of the story. No one cares about you, period. You should have thought about this before you decided on talking to girls. Gosh, isn’t this the first thing they teach you guys in preacher elementary? People are not actually going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Oh, were you expecting empathy as well? Now that’s just downright hilarious. You do realize people right now are just looking at each other and mouthing “what is that word”? Honestly, though, consistency is not a sin. We need consistency, stability and we need someone to stand up and tell everyone to calm down because at the end of the day there are a thousand different perspectives with which a situation can be looked at. This means we cannot discount, denounce, or dismiss anyone or anything until we know the absolute and total truth. And sometimes, finding out the unequivocal truth just isn’t possible. In that case, we need to wait.
Like this lovely person over here.
Thank you for bringing us all back down to earth.
Whether Nouman Ali Khan is guilty of the accusations being heaped upon his doorstep is not our outstanding concern nor is it the purpose of this article to debate this. That being said, it’s never a bad idea to highlight when an issue is being talked about or dealt with correctly, and we would like to use the above two tweets to reiterate that giving someone the benefit of the doubt is a beautiful, wonderful thing to do. So let’s put down those rifles that fire judgments at the speed of light before we end up doing more harm than good.