Phoenix Zoo Tiger Shot After Being Mistaken for Human Impersonator

What Happened: A tiger at Phoenix Zoo was mistakenly shot after authorities, fearing it was a human in disguise, found its unusual sitting posture suspicious.

What you need to know: At Phoenix Zoo, a zookeeper observed a tiger sitting upright on its hind legs, with its front limbs resting on its hind legs, giving a curious and unusual appearance. The zookeeper called for an official to assess the situation, suspecting it might be a person dressed as a tiger rather than an actual tiger.

More: The Phoenix, Arizona police were also involved, and after reviewing the scene, they decided the tiger was a threat. The authorities, fearing it was a human impersonating a tiger, shot the animal.

Also: It was later confirmed that the tiger was real and named Eko, after a famous tiger from Florida. The other tigers were disturbed by Eko’s unusual behavior.

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