As many as 1,287 persons, including 586 females, committed suicide in over last five years across the province.
Data compiled by the Sindh police for a study about suicides in the province said that 681 Muslims and 606 Hindus ended their life between Jan 1, 2014 and June 30, 2019. It said 702 of them aged between 21 and 40. According to the data, 646 persons, including 356 females, ended their life in Mirpurkhas range/division with 324 of them aged between 21 and 40 years. Among the deceased, 449 were Hindus and 197 Muslims.
A total of 1,287 persons also attempted to end their life across the province during the given period.
The study said people used different methods to end their life, including hanging, administering poison (drinking pesticides), drowning (jumping into a well), self-immolation, fenestration (jumping from high places), gunshot and sharp blade/knife have been cited in the police’s research work.
What is the reason behind these suicides? Poverty, unemployment, falling socio-economic status, marital issues, domestic violence, addiction of drugs and psychological issues have been cited as some of the major reasons behind the suicides.