Sudan Has Finally Unblocked The Internet-But Only For One Person

As most of you are aware, Sudan has been going through a political crisis. The internet was cut off after security forces violently dispersed protesters camping in central Khartoum. That blockage finally ended yesterday, but JUST FOR ONE PERSON.

Read more from ProperGaanda: Everything You Need To Know About The Violence In Sudan

Abdel-Adheem Hassan, a lawyer from Sudan, won a lawsuit against telecoms operator Zain Sudan over the blackout ordered by Sudan’s military rulers. However, he says his victory is only benefiting him so far as he filed the case in a personal capacity. Mr Hassan said he is currently the only civilian in the country able to access the internet without resorting to complicated hacks. He said he is going back to court on today to win the right for more Sudanese people.

“We have a court session tomorrow and another one the day after tomorrow. Hopefully one million people will gain internet access by the end of the week,” Mr Hassan added.

The crackdown on dissent by the military is a pretty serious situation, but this story is pretty ridicules. For a state in a middle of a crisis to provide intern to just one person is a bit problematic to say the least. And that too, only after the man was able to use the law to prove his point.

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