Syria’s Return to Arab League: Brief View of how will it change the Region

The wind of change has swept the Arab region. Syria, once ignore and dusted by the Arab states is back in the political arena of the region. Over the weekend, Syria was welcomed back into the Arab League organisation. For some, this might be a compromise from the Arab states but in reality, this is the acceptance of facts on the ground. The Arab states, especially the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries along with its Western allies have tried their level best to make the President of Syria, Bashar Al Assad history in Syrian politics but after years of fighting they have realised that they can’t defeat him so let’s be friend with him and damage the control. There are many advantages for both sides for the recalibration between the two sides. For Syria, this will end the isolation and will help them massively to reignite growth in their economy. GCC countries have seen massive growth in their income from petrol due to the Russia -Ukraine war and Syria will be planning to have the money from the GCC states invest in its economy. For Arab countries, it will mean one less enemy in the political arena. Analysing Arab politics, one can see that all the focus is on cooperation, especially economic cooperation and having Syria in the picture will help them to the objective of economic cooperation. It is not going to be an easy ride for both sides to have a prosperous region but for them to succeed in their plans, a peaceful region is imperative and this reconciliation will go a long way in achieving it.

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