Teacher’s husband in Gujranwala arrested for sexually assaulting female students at school

What Happened: A man named Imran from Gujranwala was arrested for sexually abusing multiple young girls at a school managed by his wife. The school, part of a government-backed non-formal education program, operated from their home, where Imran oversaw the canteen.

What you need to know: Imran exploited his position over several years, abusing the students and secretly recording the assaults. He then used these recordings to blackmail the victims into silence. The abuse came to light when a brave survivor confided in her parents about the repeated attacks she endured.

More: Authorities have so far identified five victims, aged 11 to 14, but suspect there could be more. The case has sent shockwaves through the community, highlighting serious concerns about student safety in educational environments like this one.

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