What Happened: Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France for allegedly failing to moderate criminal content on his app, sparking international criticism.
What you need to know: Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was detained at Le Bourget Airport in France. He was arrested under a warrant related to issues with his messaging app, Telegram, which is accused of inadequate moderation against criminal activities like drug trafficking, child sexual content, and fraud.
More: Durov, a Russian national who lives in Dubai and holds dual citizenship with the UAE and France, is alleged to have failed in curbing these activities on the platform. Telegram has denied these accusations. Durov’s arrest has prompted concerns from Russian officials and international figures like Edward Snowden and Elon Musk, who view it as an attack on free speech.
Also: Telegram has been criticized for weak moderation, especially regarding extremist content, despite efforts to remove some problematic groups