What happened: Danie Caroll ordered an iPhone 13 Pro Max for 1045 pounds and instead received two Cadbury white Oreo chocolate packed in toilet paper. His iPhone 13 delivery was also delayed but wo weeks. Still, eventually, when he turned up at the DHL warehouse in West Yorkshire to pick up his box, he discovered two white Oreo Cadbury bars. Details: However, he is quoted by the Mirror UK saying, “After a long weekend of a brand new iPhone 13 Pro Max being stuck in DHL network, failing any delivery attempt. I finally picked up the parcel to find the package had been tampered.” In his Twitter thread, Daniel also explained that he had ordered the phone on the 2nd of December and his delivery was delayed.

Also: Daniel also stated that DHL claimed they have been in touch with the sender to issue the promised iPhone as soon as a priority. However, Mirror quoted Daniel saying that Apple had not received any complaint from DHL.