Chand Nawab, the man who gained overnight fame through a viral video in 2008, has come a long way in his journey from being an ordinary reporter to a media sensation. The unforgettable video, capturing his hilarious attempts to report on the Eid festival frenzy at a railway station in Karachi while being continuously interrupted by passengers, catapulted him to global recognition, and he became the inspiration for Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s character in the blockbuster movie “Bajrangi Bhaijaan.”
However, it was not always so rosy for him.
Initially, when the video clip went viral, I had lost all hope to survive in journalism. Just because of the clip, nobody was willing to hire me. Doors were shut on my face. People who adored me in the past, too began hating me. I was called unprofessional. Chand Nawab, Dawn
Chand Nawab eventually became a household name, adored by audiences in both India and Pakistan, with even Bollywood star Salman Khan and the cast of “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” expressing admiration for his unique personality and amusing reporting style. His quirky mannerisms and humorous approach captured the hearts of viewers on both sides of the border.
“I am very thankful to Salman bhai, who considered my character worthy enough to be given a role in his movie,” Nawab told Gulf News at the courtyard of Karachi Press Club (KPC). “I am a poor journalist and don’t want to deal with the legalities, but I expect Khan to give me a compensation for using me as an inspiration for a character,” Nawab said. However, we don’t think that happened. But where is Chand Nawab now?
Chand Nawab’s fame revived once again in January 2022 when his video reporting about the dusty winds in Karachi went viral. “Karachi’s weather is very pleasant and cool and cold wind is blowing. People from cities can come to see this storm. My hair is flying, dirt is going in my mouth, and I can’t open my eyes. Skinny and weak people should not come to the seashore today, otherwise they can fly with the wind,” he is saying in the video in his unique reporting style.
“Today, almost all Pakistani TV channels have offered me a job. I am also being asked to act in Bollywood movies. Some foreign TV channels – you can verify this over the internet – have sent me contract letters, saying they would be pleased to hire me,” he further said in his Dawn interview. Currently, Chand Nawab is working as a news reporter with ARY News, a prominent Pakistani news channel. His witty reporting style and charming demeanor continue to captivate audiences, and he remains a prominent figure in the media industry.
From the bustling railway station in Karachi to being the inspiration of a Bollywood film and now working with ARY News, Chand Nawab’s journey is a remarkable one, and his future endeavors are eagerly awaited by his ever-growing fan base.